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SoundCloud Echo: Next-Level Humane Registry with Backstage

September 19th, 2022 by Julio Zynger

In this post, we'll describe how we took our service catalog to the next level, how we migrated our internal system to the open source Backstage developer portal technology, and how we're now providing more capabilities and empowering our engineering team, in turn speeding up software delivery and engineering effectiveness.

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Obvious Ownership: A Sensible Humane Registry

January 6th, 2022 by Julio Zynger

Imagine yourself as an engineer who just joined SoundCloud. Besides meeting your colleagues and getting your new laptop, badge, and that cool branded hoodie, the first weeks at work will be about exploration. Onboarding involves a lot of “looking around”: finding mentorship, getting to know the company’s culture, and exploring codebases — and most likely, you’ll want to contribute code too!

The first question you might ask is “What do I even work on?”. With time, you’ll identify a few sibling…

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Did I Break You? Reverse Dependency Verification

May 25th, 2021 by Julio Zynger

Let's take a look at techniques we can use to confidently release updates to an internal library that's integrated into hundreds of projects across the company — even if they're API-breaking changes.

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Tests Under the Magnifying Lens

February 2nd, 2021 by Julio Zynger

We take software testing very seriously at SoundCloud. As we scale our codebases and vary the testing harness, we've also faced some challenges with maintainability. Take a look at this post to learn about some of the tooling we've built to help us manage the execution of and derive insights from the dozens of thousands of tests every day.

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The Magic of Generating an Xcode Project

February 20th, 2020 by Andrea Cipriani

Learn how SoundCloud improved the productivity of its iOS engineers by using Tuist to generate Xcode projects.

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