The Next App Gallery Update

We’re making some changes to how we manage our App Gallery and wanted to take some time to explain them to you, our developer community.

The App Gallery is where we highlight interesting and useful SoundCloud powered apps and services for our users. As our developer community continues to grow, it’s even more important that we keep a high bar for apps found in App Gallery. Having a high standard protects the value of being featured in App Gallery for all of our developers while giving our users a sense of confidence in the caliber of content we’re showcasing there.

When evaluating a newly submitted app for App Gallery, we consider the following:

  • Is the app both high quality and adhering to our API Terms of Use?
  • Does it enable new and valuable experiences for SoundCloud users?
  • Has it shown notable traction in gaining connected users?

Moving forward, we’ll be proactively reaching out to folks who meet this criteria about adding their apps to App Gallery instead of accepting mass submissions like we have in the past. Our long term hope is to completely rebuild App Gallery to work in conjunction with Next SoundCloud in a way that better serves our entire developer community. That includes ideas like better attribution of content within SoundCloud products and easier, relevant discovery within App Gallery for SoundCloud users.

If you’re confident your app meets our criteria and we haven’t gotten in touch with you, feel free to drop us a line at