New playlist representations

Requests for playlists have always included the full track objects contained within. This representation may be convenient for playlists with ten or twenty tracks but can cause problems for playlists that contain hundreds or thousands of tracks. Requesting such large playlists could result in requests that take a long time to respond and that eventually timeout.

Today, we introduce two new representations for the /playlists resource: compact and id.

If you add representation=compact to a playlist request, the request will return only the playlist itself, without any of the tracks it contains. This representation may be useful if you’re purely interested in data about the playlist itself and not the tracks contained within.

Alternatively, if you set the representation=id parameter, it will return the playlist along with IDs of the tracks contained within, without all the associated track meta data (artist, artwork, duration, etc.) If necessary, you can then individually fetch additional information about each track by filling those IDs into the /tracks resource. This allows for greater parallelization and can help make your application more responsive when working with large playlists.

By default, requests for playlists will continue to include all the contained tracks. There is no need to update your application but we encourage you to take advantage of these new, more efficient representations of playlists.