Connect & Record with the new JavaScript SDK

Connect and Record

Today we’re excited to announce a big update to our JavaScript SDK. Aside from improving the existing functionality like authentication, API read requests and oEmbed, we’ve added some sweet new features:

  • API write support:

    Create comments, follow users, like sounds and update user profiles

  • Audio Streaming:

    Build your own player powered by SoundCloud

  • Audio recording and uploading:

    Let your users record and upload sounds to SoundCloud from your website.

All of these features can be added to your website with only a few lines of JavaScript saving you the pain of dealing with tricky things like cross domain communication, dependency loading and cross browser workarounds.

Want to try it out yourself? Take a look at the examples and check out the docs to get started.

We’re excited to see what apps you can build on top of this! And let us know your thoughts on how we can continue to improve our developer resources.